Aus dem Vorwort:
As human rights were severely violated in the Second World War, United Nation member countries ratify the General Declaration of Human Rights on 10. December of 1948 to prevent such crimes in the future.
Most of the countries have already published some declarations related to human rights such as former Persia (6th century B.C.), America (1776), France (1789), and South Africa (1943). Moreover, in the year 1990, the member countries of the Islamic conference have also published the declaration in Islam with the name of “Qahera Declaration of Human Rights in Islam”.
The General Declaration of Human Rights is an Ideal, not a mandatory and legal source that is almost accepted by all countries of the world.
This declaration has 30 articles which include the fundamental rights of every human being, regardless of ethnicity, skin color, gender, language, religion, political and other believes, social and national origin, capital and birth differences. This declaration has been translated into more than 460 languages, and it is one 21 of the most translated international essential documents in the world.
10th of December of each year is considered as Human Rights Day and is celebrated internationally.
As of today (after 73 years) a lot of people and organizations are neither aware of these human rights nor following them, therefore, we are going to provide these human rights codes to our country citizens one more time.
We hope every school, university, cultural circles, and government or non-government organization receive this declaration, read them, have iscussions regarding them, and finally practice them in their daily life routine.
Through this way, we are very hopeful of our positive contribution toward the people’s understanding of these human rights and more importantly practicing these rights within their societies.
We are very thankful to the Peace Civil Society of ZFD-GIZ in Afghanistan and its Head Mr. Obaidullah Tanha for providing financial support regarding the printing of this human rights declaration in Pashto and Dari languages besides his other essential work and print-related support.
Yahya Wardak, March 2021

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