“Particularly for young people in Afghanistan, we want to provide new translations of Badshah Khan’s autobiography. For the first time the book is now available in Dari and contemporary Pashto,” Prof. Noor Ebad, Director of the NCPR, pointed out.
Dr Yahya Wardak, an advisor to the Ministry of Higher Education and author of various publications on Badshah Khan, added: “Abdul Ghaffar Khan identified violence and ignorance as key challenges in his own society. Unfortunately, the very same problems are still present in Afghanistan and in many other parts of the world. Therefore, it is very important to reconsider his ideas on non-violence in order to get encouragement for change.”
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as part of the Afghan-German Cooperation, the Civil Peace Service (ZFD) is working together with various Afghan partners. Since 2014, ZFD is implementing the programme Afghan Youth for Peace. In this context, ZFD is providing leadership trainings to young Afghan men and women and promoting peace and conflict resolutions at Afghan universities.