Liebe, Wissen, Menschen.

DVD: Publishing Textbooks for Afghan Universities




List of Contents on the DVD:


  1. Publishing Textbooks for Afghan universities in PDF (English)


  1. List of 278 Textbooks (English)
  2. List of 278 Textbooks (Dari/ Pashto)
  3. List of 214 Textbooks on DVDs (English)
  4. List of 214 Textbooks on DVDs (Dari/ Pashto)


  1. Printed Books’ Poster, 2018
  2. Printed Books’ Poster, 2017
  3. Printed Textbooks’ Poster, 2016
  4. Non-medical Printed Books’ Poster, 2015
  5. Medical Printed Books’ Poster, 2013-2015
  6. Medical Printed Books’ Poster, 2012
  7. Medical Printed Books’ Poster, 2010-2011


  1. Designs of Medical Textbooks
  2. Designs of Non-medical Textbooks (Economics, Psychology, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Science & Agriculture)


  1. Pictures of Distribution of Textbooks at Nangarhar Science faculty, December 2015
  2. Pictures of Distribution of Textbooks at Nangarhar Medical faculty, October 2015
  3. Pictures of Distribution of Textbooks at Nangarhar Medical Faculty, February 2015
  4. Pictures of Distribution with Dr Eroes at Nangarhar Medical faculty, 2013
  5. Pictures of Celebration of Ten Years of DAAD Commitment in Supporting Academic Reconstruction in Afghanistan at Kabul University, 2012
  6. Other related pictures


  1. Interview with Azadi Radio, June 2014
  2. Second interview with Deutsche Welle Radio, March 2014
  3. First Interview with Deutsche Welle Radio, September 2013
  4. Meeting of Distribution of Textbooks at Nangarhar Medical Faculty, April 2011


  1. Interview with VOA TV, January 2018
  2. Interview with Aryana TV, September 2017
  3. Distribution of textbooks to Authors and Students at Nangarhar Medical Faculty, December 2016
  4. 28: Jalalabad TV Report, December, 2016
  1. Distribution of textbooks to Authors and Students at Nangarhar Science Faculty, December 2015
  2. Interview with Aryana TV, May 2015
  3. Visiting Laghman University, February 2015
  4. Presentation at Celebration of Ten Years of DAAD Commitment in Supporting Academic Reconstruction in Afghanistan at Kabul University, 2012